Daily Stretching Routine of a Chiropractor

Daily Stretching Routine of a Chiropractor

Chiropractors always recommend starting your day after giving a good stretch to your body. This helps in warming up the body and preparing your muscles to get used to moving, supporting joint movement, and preventing all-over tightness.

Let’s jump to chiropractors’ daily stretching routine.


1. Chest Stretch

Chest Stretch
This is a morning stretch for those people who used to sit at their desks throughout the day. In this stretch, you have to stretch in your chest by lifting both arms ensuring they create a T shape at the shoulder level. Now, push against a wall with the support of your hands and arms. Next, bend forwards via a door frame. Keep in this position for about 10-15 seconds. If required, do the same steps again. This stretch will reduce the stress on your upper back and neck.

2. Hip Flexors Stretch

Hip Flexors Stretch

This stretch is highly recommended for hip flexors. Practicing this stretch helps in loosening muscles that become tight due to sitting throughout the day. To start this stretch, use a dresser or a chair to maintain balance. Bring your ankle behind your thigh while leaning one knee and holding a chair for support. Stretch your hip front by pushing it forward slightly on that side. Hold this position for about 5-10 seconds. Now, repeat the same for the next side.

3. Calf Stretch

Calf Stretch

This stretch helps in relieving foot pain by restoring calf flexibility. This stretch is highly important for you if you have to be on your foot for a long time all day. This is especially important to practice when you most often wear shoes without great support.

To start stretching, first keep your heel on the ground and the ball of your foot should be against the wall. Bend forward to sense stretch in the calf of that side. Hold this stretch for about 5-10 seconds and then do the same stretch for another leg.

These are the basic stretches that nearly every chiropractor such as Dr. Anshu Shringi does on an everyday basis. These are helpful for people who most often wake up with pains in different body parts such as the neck, back, knee, etc. However, the same stretches don’t necessarily recommended to patients getting chiropractic care. Which exercises and stretches you must perform depends on your problem and your health background. So, don’t start any stretch on your own. Consult it first with your chiropractor.

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