Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis causes stiffness and pain in the joint. Ligaments and a network of tendons join the muscle tissues and bones together. A capsule made of connective tissues starts to thicken with regular wear and tear. This causes extreme discomfort, a frozen shoulder, and reduced motion range.

 Luckily, Chiropractic treatment that includes natural processes without using any medications provides effective care for adhesive capsulitis. At our Spinal Chiropractic Clinic in Delhi, chiropractors use Niel Asher Technique to align joints and manipulate muscle tissues. Pressure through the hands is applied to the shoulder joint to reduce pain.

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    A natural approach to spinal health is chiropractic. We treat issues with the muscles, joints, spine, nerves, and joints. We restore movement to dysfunctional segments of the spine using safe, gentle techniques.

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    10:00AM to 2:00PM

    4:00PM to 7:30PM

    Sunday: Closed

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